Tuesday, March 23, 2010

A busy and fun first day at school

Apollo Ohno

And Brian Boitano

Gary showing us how its done

Eating breakfast and lunch with the students was very entertaining, you just have watch out for the PG-13 knock-knock jokes. The kids were very open and we talked to many students.
We spent most of the day in the science classroom helping Amy (who has no prep time) with Health, Science and Biology classes. We'll be teaching health classes this week.

After school we attended a faculty meeting where the teachers were beginning to plan the next years schedule. This is much more complicated than it would be in a larger school as they need to determine what class every senior needs to take to graduate and who will teach those classes.

After the meeting Richard invited us to the student lead Inupiaq drumming and dancing practice. The community had put together a student group to drum and dance for the census and decided to continue practicing after the census people left. Students practice 2hrs after school 4 days a week. They even had Tumi and I practice drumming (its much more difficult than it might appear)

Amy kindly invited us to her house for cake and ice cream! for her daughter's birthday followed by ice skating on the river (again much more difficult than it looks especially for a former desert rat). All of the kids asked if I had skated before, I might have to practice when I get back to Fairbanks.

1 comment:

  1. :) I couldn't help but check this post out with the titles of "Brian Boitano" and "Apollo Ohno!" We had a meeting yesterday as well about planning the schedules. I think it's amazing that the schedules really are student centered, everything is planned about what they need to graduate. It does seem more complicated, but it also seems like the small details we argue about in our schools back home are so trivial after seeing staff meetings at our rural sites.
