Saturday, March 27, 2010

Final Friday

Hamming it up for the camera

Teacher prep and break room. Double pot coffee maker not pictured gets a lot of use.

The lone copy machine

Last day in Noorvik and Tumi and I team taught the last of the our lessons to the health classes.
The school goes into overdrive studying for the AYP exams but with class of 10 students 1 absence can undue all the hard work of teachers and students.

We had a long talk with the pricipal (who is also the librarian and assistant principle). It was good to see the administrator's perspective. He was a former crime scene investigator and helped reduce crimes in school. CSI Noorvik on CBS soon?

Amy's science class were looking at fairy shrimp under the microscope, unfourtunely they had a bad batch of eggs and no shrimp so she pulled out plan B. Head lice (dead of course) pulled from an unknown donor.

During the Friday assembly all the students gather in the gym and students of the week get called up front for a cool color change pencil and a certificate. There were two rather old kindergartners in the line as well. See Tumi's post for pictures.

After school I took long hike around the village and ran into a small gang of 1'st graders and spent the next 30min giving piggy back rides.

1 comment:

  1. What do they do when the copier breaks?!? Ooo, and I'll bet they don't do many mammoth copy fests like I do for classes (paper weighs a ton!) without having a secondary use for the papers...
